1-2pkgfresh Mariposa Farms Rosemarysprigs to use as garnish
3tbspfresh Mariposa Farms Rosemaryremove leaves from 1/2 of each stem and save sprigs for garnish
8cupsfresh strawberries
2cupslime juice
128 ozcarbonated mineral water
1containerfresh blueberries
In a medium sized saucepan combine honey with 4 cups water, 1/4 cup lemon juice, and rosemary. Bring to boil, remove from heat and steep for 5 minutes. Strain out rosemary and transfer liquid to a large bowl to cool.
While the mixture is cooling, slice the strawberries, press them through a fine sieve, add to the cooled liquid. Then stir in the remaining water, lime juice, and remaining lemon juice. Pour over ice in a punch bowl, add mineral water, and serve.
For added flavor and appeal spear 3-4 blueberries on a sprig of rosemary and place in glass of punch before serving.