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Savory Pound Cake

Servings 8 servings


  • 9 tbsp butter chopped and at room temperature
  • 1 pkg Mariposa Farms Fresh Bay leaves rinse and pat dry 8-10 before using
  • 1 2/3 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 lg eggs room temperature
  • 1/2 cup sour cream or greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp powdered sugar


  • Melt 6 tbsp of the butter in a small pan. Add 3 bay leaves, cover and let steep for about an hour. Remove the bay leaves and toss them. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Use the outside bottom of the pan to trace and cut out a piece of parchment paper for the bottom liner for the pan. Prepare a loaf pan using butter or shortening and dust with flour, then place the cut piece of parchment paper in the bottom of the pan.
  • Dot one side of the remaining bay leaves with a dab of butter and lay them out in the bottom of the pan, butter side down on the parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together. In a medium bowl combine the eggs, sour cream or greek yogurt, and melted butter; gently stir the wet mixture into the flour mixture just until the batter is smooth, do not over mix.
  • Scrape batter into the pan carefully covering the bay leaves. Put the remaining butter in a plastic baggie, close and snip off a small tip of the corner. Squeeze the butter in a line down the center of the batter; bake for 45-50 minutes or until a cake tester inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  • Remove from the oven and cool for 10 minutes, loosen the cake from the sides of the pan with a thin knife. Turn onto a rack to cool completely. Peel off the parchment paper and bay leaves. Dust the top with powdered sugar.
  • Slice and serve when cool, top with your favorite fruit or preserves.